Sunday 5 March 2017

Body Massage in Mumbai: how and when to include chiromassage within an osteopathy session?

The majority of students, who are enrolled in an Osteopathy course, come from doing the course of Chiromassage and / or Sports Psychotherapy. If they have been practicing or working for some time, they will be accustomed to developing their activity based mainly on massage to treat their patients. It is the tool they dominate and through which they feel safe.
When they begin the course of Osteopathy many have in mind that they will learn a series of osteopathic techniques that can include in their work as Quiromasajistas the same as those who learn new techniques of inhibition, stretching, etc. But this will not change your way of working...
Well, they are wrong. When they begin the course of osteopathy, they see the number of diagnostic tests, work protocols, soft tissue treatment techniques and correction and adjustment techniques that exist. Then they observe that Chiromassage does not appear anywhere.... This creates certain confusion because mentally they begin to think that if they spend a lot of time with Osteopathic works in the end they will not have time to give a good massage to their patient. Also, as is logical at first, they still do not feel safe working only with osteopathy.
That's when they start to ask: But then when can I work the massage?
Before or after doing Osteopathy?
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Osteopathy is a manual therapy that does not necessarily need to include chiromassage as part of the treatment. Although they are totally complementary therapies. In Osteopathy soft tissues are worked before manipulating the joints and it is within this soft tissue work where chiromassage can be included as part of the pre-manipulation work.
When I studied Osteopathy, I had been working as a Quiromasajista for a long time. At first, as well as the current students, I did not know how to fit osteopathy into my work.
The key is to do the opposite: Fit the Chiromassage into Osteopathic work. At the beginning it is logical that someone who is accustomed to work with chiromassage do not want to abandon his most useful tool at once and dedicate himself to perform exclusively a work of osteopathic techniques that still does not dominate and that cause him some insecurity.
A simple and easy way to combine the two ways of working would be to start the osteopathic diagnosis protocol, which in practice does not require a lot of time and then start with the work of soft tissue that is performed in osteopathy: stretching, mobilizations, inhibitions , Rolfing, etc. And then include chiromassage as an additional technique to treat soft tissue. And finally the osteopathic manipulative techniques that would be necessary in each case would be realized.
Thus, in a logical and simple way, the work of the Chiromassage can be united with the Osteopathic work. In addition to this, the therapist can gradually use less and less time in the massage and more in the work of osteopathy, as his confidence and safety in the new techniques increases.